
I have enjoyed using a blog for this project as it has meant that the development and documentation hasn't been so hard to get finished as little bits could be added whenevere, I do however miss being able to add things in between earlier posts- some things I didn't think about till after and wanted to add in eg clothing and location images.

Its been more fun to blog as well it has also meant that it class mates can review your work and see what you have done. This has been useful to me as some of my work I was unsure about and could send a link to friends for oppinions.





When I first read the brief for this project I instantly thought the opposite; look at ‘homeless’. I wanted to look at different aspects of homelessness from locations to clothing styles. To research the clothing I observed people on the street to see the kinds of clothing the homeless wear. I also looked online for how homelessness has influenced fashion. I looked at film influences specifically Zoolander as it took homelessness into fashion. I found that a small number of celebrities have been wearing 90s inspired grunge fashion. I also took some inspiration from the boho look as it is very similar to grunge it is just more feminine.

I joined ‘model mayhem’ to contact professional models and stylists. I got in contact with a model, Kate Smith, who thought my idea for the project sounded interesting and wanted to work with me. Along with contacting a model I messaged a stylist who is a second year at UCLan, she was quite busy but agreed to help if she had time. My flat mate does styling and said that she would happily look over my outfits and help with some ideas.

I had clear ideas of what I wanted my images to look like. Originally I wanted to shoot only on location in grungy dark, damp places. However due to unreliable weather I decided that I would try a shoot in the studio as I had more control over the environment. I thought that I could construct a scene using boxes and low light to imitate an outdoor location. However the lighting got changed and the images didn't come out as well as I had hopped. Thankfully I did this shoot before the holidays which meant I had enough time to shoot again. Unfortunately the stylist was busy for the second shoot, I spoke to her the day before the shoot and showed her the the clothing I had, she created some outfits for me; my flat mate also helped telling me what styles will soon be seen on the high street.

The second shoot worked a lot better. In this shoot I was fighting against lighting as I wanted to use natural light and street lights. I wanted to use this light as it would intensify the grungy look. I struggled getting the settings on the camera to work and create bright enough images. Originally I was going to shoot this shoot on film however my model failed to get back to me so I had to arrange it last minute. This meant that I wouldn't have had time to send off the film and get it developed. The camera I had intended to use was also quite temperamental.

I feel that I developed my work to use influences from my research and show the homeless look in different ways. I looked at outdoor rough areas where a homeless person may shelter, I took influences from clothing a homeless person may wear and used clothing which would be warm yet stylish and grungy.


I went to Boots to get my images printed as I knew they would be of a high quality. I would have got them printed at uni however I couldn't afford it. The Boots prints look really good as the paper is very glossy. Some look a lot darker than the originals, I cant afford and don't have time to reprint the images. I feel the images look good enough and I am prepared to hand them in with the quality that they are.

Print Problems

I went to Granthams to get my images printed, however the man serving didn't under stand what I asked and I forgot to mention that I wanted the images glossy - I was to focused on remebering to ask if they could print on A3 but leave enough of a border that the image was 12inches at the longest edge. As can be seen in the image the paper quality was rubbish, also one image was printed badly and didn't have a white boarder at all along one side.



Final Images

I feel that my final images don't work work so well as a set yet they work at portraying my ideas and how I have developed my idea and left the original idea behind.
I tried to not over edit my images in some images I airbrushed the models skin, I also desaturated some and intensified the contrast. In some i adjusted the colours to make the lighting seem different to what it was originally.

I plan to get my final images printed tomorrow, I am going to get them printed in Granthams, I have printed work there before (not for photography). Last time I had worked printed there I found it had printed quite dark however that work was of a different quality.

Shoot Two Edits


Shoot Two

Shoot two went well however I had limited time to shoot as I wanted to do it on location as it was getting dark to intensify the grungey feel to the images I also wanted some with the orange of street lights in them.

I shot at Avenham Park under a bridge as it had a lot of texture ( things growing up the walls, stone, water, rock etc) which contrasted well against the soft fuzzy fabrics of the clothing.

To get around not having time to shoot on film I shot on my DSLR and put the ISO up to 800 so that the images are very grainy. I think the effect has worked well on the majority of the images it also helped having the ISO this high as the wasn't a lot of light and it allowed the images to stay bright enough. I stuggled with working with a tripod as I wanted to be able to move the camera arround more than I did. I wanted to take some close ups at different levels but couldn't do this as the tripod would only go to certain heights.

From the shoot I particularly like the lighting in the images by the brick wall (model in leather jacket and shirt) I like these because it was a different type of avalible light that enhanced the look of my images adding an orangey glow.

Dispite not using a professional model I think these images came out better than the earlier shoot. I felt more comfortable telling a friend what I wanted the poses to be where I was quite reserved with the Model. In future I'd like to work more with models so that I can improve my directing abilities and gain confidence in working with people I don't know.

Shoot Two Contact


Elle US

In this copy of Elle I discovered a shoot they did which was inspired by the film 'Empire Records'
The shoot is showing how 90's grunge is back in fashion. The models are predominantly actors.
All the poses and location look realistic which is much like the photography during the 90s such as the work of Corinne Day. The images look as if they are take by a friend as everyone looks so relaxed and caught doing something very natural. The images don't look overly posed like most other fashion spreads do.
There is a combination of Black and White images and colour. The images all have grainy qualities to them suggesting film- this would have been used in the 90s maybe used to give a more authentic quality

The styling for this shoot was highly influential as it shows bright bold colours yet also darker colours. It used block colours and a lot of layering of jackets over top it also shows unconvientional cuts of clothing. Jeans are ripped, trouses are short, tops show off stomachs. There is also the use of long socks and boots, also trousers with boots however there is a gap showing flesh- uses flesh as another layer?

Further Inspiration

For my second shoot I wanted to try some more clothing variations. I also wanted to find out what is classed as Grunge fashion.

I found that the 90's fashion was very 'grunge'. I also found that oversized check shirts where quite a big element to this style. As with my previous research I found Mary Kate is a style icon for this style of fashion. She has brought 90's grunge into 2010.

Another style element I discovered was ripped denim/tights/leggings etc however the rips must be self inflicted and the product shouldn't be bought in this condition. The people in who wear grunge fashion often go for a very natural look, minimal make up often looking very pale with naturally messy hair.

Catwalk Grunge
I found this style to look to 'made' where someone has specifically designed the items for the look where as people who wear the look make it for them selves buying clothing and customising it for their look.
However element of this outfit have influnced me Boots are a key look for Grunge also large amounts of layering.

Shoot Two

Well the model cant do anytime soon small disasteer! recovered from that and have asked a friend if she would do it for me as it would be easier to arange than finding another professional model etc


I really wanted to get a shoot done over the holidays only delays in postage and contact have been a real problem.

The film I ordered took nearly a week to arrive from ordering it. The model was busy the first week and hasn't replied this week. I'm begining to have second thoughts about working in film as I'm not sure if once I've shot them that there will be time to get them developed and sent back to me, let alone the editing etc and never working in film so there is a high posiblity that the images will be rubbish.



I'm quite worried about my next shoot as I have never used film. I really hope that it isn't to confusing. I also borrowed a friends polaroid however I don' think I can afford the film.
I have borrowed a film camera as I didn't own one, I have ordered film on


I was just watching the 100 best musicals and Cats came up and it reminded me how much like the background I wanted my first shoot to look. I would use this for inspiration to do another studio shoot.

Next Shoot

After my first shoot I decided that I really needed to do another shoot. After speaking to Adam he advised me that I should shoot on film to get the grungy grainy look I wanted. I plan to do this shoot as it gets dark in quite a dark grimey place. I also want to get do some outdoor shot under a street light as I want to capture the orangey light of the street lights.